Bitwig Preset Oil Can, Man

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Based on an old echo technology, the oil can delay used an electro-static disc with rubber read and write heads to create an echo. The disc was contained inside of a can that contained dieelectric oil that coated the disk. The modulation is generated from the rotation of the disk almost giving a leslie speaker effect. There are two echo modes: Slap(Short repeats) and Echo(longer repeats). The repeats are based in milliseconds and not synced. Each rate can be controlled separately. Slap mode ranges from 90ms to 125ms. Echo mode ranges from 180ms to 600ms. On page 2 of the Preset remotes is a High and Low cut control to shape the tone of the repeats.
56 downloads Bitwig 5.0
g0n_z3n 1 year, 8 months ago


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