Bitwig Preset S-H Experiments

5 (1)
Play at 60 BPM. The scale I set here is the oriental Hijaz Kar... Experiment with the controls. As I bend the phase its has not that usual steady beat, but every bar it comes back... Especially playing with the frequency of the real S&H LFO reveals interesting changing patterns... You can go üp into kHz range as well. For real random, you can grab a loop and then only change one random note within per bar...
126 downloads Bitwig 3.3 Beta 2
Tj Shredder 3 years, 5 months ago


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    5 (0)
    3 years, 5 months ago by carlcaulkett

    I love this. Straight away I was intrigued by the musicality of this, and I'm intrigued to see what this Hijaz Kar business is all about!

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