Bitwig Preset Artefact

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Hard clipper with a bit of a twist. Good for lo-fi/tape crackle/noise effects (although worse than actual emulations, obviously). For an actual hard clipper (why would you, but still) set Mix, Blend and Density to 100%. Depth - threshold level. Mix - dry/wet blend. Dynamic - threshold follows the input signal volume. Random - threshold level is randomized (lowering the overall threshold). Gap - [regular][stepped, can pop] gap between clip triggers. Cluster - [regular][stepped, can pop] clip time (% of gap length). Blend - between [regular] and [irregular], that is clipping at certain intervals or clipping randomly. Density - [irregular] essentially the chance to clip randomly.
32 downloads Bitwig 4.4.2
MalevolentMoose 1 year, 11 months ago


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