Bitwig Preset MIDI Swing and Accent Utiliy 2024

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This is a simple Note Grid patch that was designed to replace a VST called "MIDI Swing" that I like using. There is a simple LFO delaying the midi note data between 8th notes (making the inbetween 16th notes swing) that is in sync to global tempo. The "FLAVOR" macro changes the shape of the LFO that's controlling the swing to add a more drastic swing feel (more wonky). There is also a step module that reduces every other 16th note when more "ACCENT" amount is applied (this can be adjusted by the step grid sliders in the patch). I mainly use this for a drum track (for house music) as controlling the swing and accent/groove amount per track makes more sense to me than per clip or globally. This is also kinda cool because this means you can swing different channels with different curves and ammounts to add more variation between tracks (as opposed to everything globally all following the same exact swing).
19 downloads Bitwig 5.2.7
djamayaofficial 3 months, 2 weeks ago


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