Bitwig Preset Erosion Lite

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Recreation of Ableton's Erosion with added features. The way I use it is by having the Show remote controls and show modulators pages open for the container, but the rest of it closed. Page 1 Sine/Noise - fades between Sine and Noise mod signals. Wide/Mono - fades between stereo and mono mod signal Gain - controls the loudness of the Erosion Erode and Freq - are the Y and X controls like in Ableton Erosion. Sine Detune - is new for controlling the amount of width in the Sine wave. It's set to .5 semitones by default, or 12.5% on the macro. Max detune is 4 semitones. Page 2: Mod HPF - pre-delay highpass filter cutoff; use to control the low frequency content in the Erosion Skew = morphs the sine waves into saw waves equally Left and Right. Skew +/- morphs the sines to saws in opposite directions on the L and R channels. Sinefold = wavefolds the Sine oscillators equally L/R SF Offset - creates a L/R difference in the Sine wavefolding. Sub thru - mixes in your dry sub frequencies. Sub Gain - boost or attenuates the dry subs. Sub Xo - controls the crossover frequency for the dry subs. Set to 196 Hz by default. Page 3: Max Delay - adds drive and feedback to the delay circuit, as well as shortening the delay time. Quantize - adds bit reduction to the mod signal. Mod Width - boosts the sides(100%) or sums to mono (-100%) for the mod signal Rectify - rectifies the mod signal + or -. Credit to Baphometrix for this idea! Feed Adj. - adjusts the feedback in the delay circuit. Drive - adds drive to the post-delay LPF circuit. Cutoff - adjusts the frequency of the LPF. It opens with the X/Freq control by default. Time - adjusts the ms length of the mod delay. In the visualizer, Yellow is the Dry signal, Orange is Wet, Purple is the Mod signal and Red shows the Sine wave frequencies. It's set up to show frequency content but not relative levels. It is a work in progress, if you have issues or suggestions, send to:
FX Layer
103 downloads Bitwig 3.2 Beta 3
Cryptid 4 years, 9 months ago


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