Bitwig Preset Erosion, Almighty 4.0

5 (2)
The Morgan Freeman of Erosion units. New in 4.0: External Sidechain In for cross-synthesis, Mid/Side processing fader, Keytracking is back for the Sines as well as Filters- and works now, smoother operation in general, made it go louder, Sub thru filter- never lose bass power, added ability to run MIDI thru without breaking the Sine wave function, added ability to control every parameter from the Remote Control Preset Pages, added many new effects and control parameters, stole from Bahpo's snap heap Erosion by adding a rectifier to this one. It has become a glorious sound mangler, capable of generating infinite different textures. The way I use it is by having the Show remote controls and Show modulators pages open for the container, but the rest of it closed unless I need to route the sidechain. Then I just use the XY modulator and flip thru the preset pages as needed. To route the Ext. SC use the 'External Sidechain In' layer of the FX Container. If you have issues open up the Erosion Grid device in the WET layer and make sure the Audio Sidechain unit is set to Erosion SC Reciever Out (the layer with just an Audio Reciever device where you routed in your SC audio). Stick to Preset Page 1 to stay in classic Ableton Erosion territory, or use my other Bitwig preset- Erosion Lite. Page 1: Sine/Noise - fades between Sine and Noise modulator signals. Wide/Mono - fades between stereo and mono oscillators. Affects only the pre-fx noise and sine oscillators, not the SC audio. Gain - controls loudness of the Erosion Mod Width - +100% boosts the sides of the modulated signal, -100% sums it to mono Erode and Freq - are the Y and X controls like in Ableton Erosion. I like to use the XY controller in the Show Modulators tab instead. Wet and Dry - are self-explanatory. I prefer this setup to a ratio-based Mix knob. Page 2: Max Delay - adds drive and feedback to the delay circuit, as well as shortening the delay time. Auto gain compensation is applied as well. Fold - adds wavefolding to the modulated signal Quantize - adds bit reduction to the modulated signal. Rectify - rectifies the modulated signal. Feed Adj. - adjusts the feedback in the delay circuit. Drive - adds drive to the post-delay LPF circuit. Cutoff - adjusts the frequency of the LPFs. It also opens with the X/Freq control. Reso - adjusts the resonance of the LPFs. The noise LPF resonance increases with the Y/Erode control. Page 3: All page 3 knobs control the Sine oscillators. Sine Detune - controls the amount of width in the Sine wave. It's set to .5 semitones by default, or 12.5% on the macro. Max detune is 4 semitones. Keytrack - enables MIDI keytracking for the Sine oscillators and the BP filter. Set the X/Freq parameter to zero for pitch-accurate keytracking. To check your tuning, run a pure sine wave thru Erosion, and use the Visualizer by opening Grid device in the WET layer; all four colors should line up if it is correct. If not, add a Note Pitch Shifter device just before Erosion and transpose as needed. In the visualizer, Yellow is the Dry signal, Orange is Wet, Purple is the Mod signal and Red shows the Sine wave frequencies. It's set up to show frequency content but not relative levels. PhaseMod - adds phase modulation to the Sine waves. PhaseFold - sinefolds the phase modulation signal to the Sine waves. SineFold = - wavefolds the Sine oscillators equally. SF Offset - creates a L/R difference in the sine wavefolding. Skew = - morphs the sine waves into saw waves equally Left and Right. Skew +/- - morphs the sines to saws in opposite directions on the L and R channels. Page 4: Sub Thru - activates the filters that mix in your dry subs. This also filters out the sub output from Erosion but not the sub input. Sub Xo - controls the cutoff freq. of the filter that mixes in your dry sub frequencies. It's at 196Hz by default. Sub Gain - boosts or attenuates the dry Sub signal. Mod HPF - controls the modulated signal Highpass Filter. Use to adjust the low frequency content in the erosion EtE - stands for 'Erode the Erosion'. This control applies a sort of reverse pre-erosion, modulating the mod signal with the dry signal. Essentially it softens or intensifies the erosion depending on settings and source audio. M/S - Fades between Mid and Side Erosion processing. 100% is Side, -100% is Mid, and 0% is Stereo. Usually sounds better when you mix in some dry signal when using this. SC In - activates the external sidechain. Route this from the Ext. Sidechain In layer beneath the WET and DRY layers, but leave the layer muted. This lets you erode your audio with a completely diffrent source. SC Blend - fades between Sine/Noise oscillators and SideChain audio. Page 5: msF Blend - mixes in the mid/side split filters. P / N - off is peak mid/side filters, on is notch filters. msF Frq. - controls the frequency of the mid/side filters. msF Resp - controls the resonance of the mid/side filters. msF Mod - adds LFO modulation to the mid/side filters cutoff Mod rndm - adds randomization to the LFO modulation. Time - adjusts the ms length of the mod delay. Wreck - adds post delay distortion and wavefolding. This one was less about sounding like Ableton and more about having the best sounding and most flexible Erosion unit possible. Enjoy! It is a work in progress, if you have issues or suggestions, send to:
FX Layer
259 downloads Bitwig 3.2 Beta 3
Cryptid 4 years, 9 months ago


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    5 (0)
    2 years, 3 months ago by VizDiablo

    Cool preset, sounds better than ableton's

    5 (0)
    4 years, 3 months ago by Davey

    This is THE ONE. It sounds so good, possibly better than ableton's.

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