Bitwig Preset Random Music Maker

5 (1)
Create random melodies, synth sounds and fx sounds. Synth: Select between randomly generated parameter constellations Synth Morph: Interpolate between the values you got through Synth macro Pitches: Selects the amount of different pitches Breaks: Selects the amount of breaks Tempo: Repetitions of generated tones Active: Activates melody generation, disable to use midi input Octaves: Random octave spread Pitch: Disable when you want to preserve pitch XY Macro: Control 2 Parameters at once, Expand all 3 macros at once with Shift Happy exploring!
225 downloads Bitwig 3.3.3
Ioka 3 years, 12 months ago


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    5 (0)
    3 years, 12 months ago by Ioka

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