Drum Machine Container & MIDI remapper with Addictive Drums 2 nested. Empty drum machine is mapped to Addictive Drums 2 drum map, so drum lanes show kitpiece articulation names from Addictive Drums 2 in the MIDI drum editor by default. Has remote controls mapped for Kick & Snare close mic, Overhead & Room levels, Muting Hats, Rides, Toms & Flexi pads independently, as well as buttons for switching articulations of both high (>80) & low (<80) velocity snares to specific articulations, regardless of the MIDI data drawn in. It is also set up for humanisation of each kitpiece independently, grouped by type, or the whole kit (minus high velocity kicks & snares) via macro. The humanisation macros are set so 100% modulation = 10% velocity drift, 10ms timing drift & another macros is mapped to chance for hats, low velocity kicks & snares.
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1 year, 9 months ago by kaz62
Thanks for the hard work on making AD2 more useful in BW
1 year, 9 months ago by Chagchag
2 years, 3 months ago by g0n_z3n
This seems like a lot of hard work and it shows. It makes us Addictive Drummer a breeze. Thank you
2 years, 3 months ago by Vermoot
Incredible patch. I was just looking for something that could map AD2 hits to Drum Machine for more convenient writing, and this is much more, but not in an overwhelming way. Cheers!
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