Bitwig Preset GOATT V2

5 (10)
OTT for the Bitgang
Multiband FX-3
2,196 downloads Bitwig 3.3.6
Garron 3 years, 10 months ago


You can review this Bitwig Preset after you've downloaded it.

    5 (0)
    1 month, 3 weeks ago by 25Lives

    Great work friend.. Happy Days :)

    5 (0)
    2 months, 3 weeks ago by SOUTHWOOD

    After making the switch from Ableton to Bitwig, it's great having this essential tool for professional, commercially viable sound design. I like the fact that the initial state is exactly like the Ableton OTT initial state (as far as I can remember), but this is so much more powerful than Ableton's OTT or Xfer's OTT because of the modulation power of Bitwig. Thank you for taking the time to create this for all of us.

    5 (0)
    6 months, 1 week ago by borizmcw
    5 (0)
    8 months, 3 weeks ago by TheFunkDragon

    Like Frank's Red hot, I put this ish on EVERYTHING. Thank you for making this, I prefer it to OTT.

    5 (0)
    1 year, 2 months ago by Corradino

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