Bitwig Preset Fat Parallel Compressor v2

5 (2)
Simple Parallel Compression without the volume drop of a dry-wet knob. To start adjust Boost macro to drive the compression chain and then dial in the Comp Mix to mix in the compression into the dry signal. Higher Ratio with lower Attack and Release settings will have a more saturated feel and bring up lower sounds. There's a Saturator on the compression output to clip the spikey transients that occur under heavy compression. Use this to fatten up sounds without affecting your source sound's transients as much.
202 downloads Bitwig 4.3.4
djamayaofficial 2 years, 7 months ago


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    5 (0)
    1 year, 8 months ago by delemur
    5 (0)
    2 years ago by lordress

    Love this one. Maybe should put the Comp Mix default to mid (0db) so new user could immediately hear the different. Thanks bro

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