Bitwig Preset Multi-Band DrumFX

4.7 (3)
I tried to make something like the drum multi effect from Live.
462 downloads Bitwig 3.3.1
sequethin 4 years, 3 months ago


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    4 (0)
    1 year, 5 months ago by formulator

    It's good, but when I insert it onto a drum bus it takes away all the lows. Deleting the Reso Filter does the trick. I'm not too sure what I was doing wrong, given I've not used Bitwig for a month yet! :)

    5 (0)
    3 years, 2 months ago by TheFox

    This is awesome.

    5 (0)
    3 years, 5 months ago by INTOODEEP

    If you are looking for something similar to Ableton drum buss, this is the closest thing I've found.

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